We Will Manage AND Process Your Stopped School Bus Drive-By Violations!
CrossSafe Violations Management Service
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Are ALL Your Divisions Illegal Drive-By Violations Being Reported and Submitted?

Are you Actually Processing ALL your Divisions Violations and Enlisting the Local Media?
CMVTC MJG Technologies will Manage ALL your Drive-By Violations… Full or Partial Integration.
All your Bus Driver has to do is review the violation video and report online, confirm/update the data, then print and sign the Document(s).
Why are we offering this enhanced service? With shrinking school bus transportations budgets, difficulty with staffing and near zero public awareness, this is a cost effective method to manage all your violations and create Awareness Through Enforcement (©2009 MJG Technologies).
With over 16 years designing, manufacturing and providing school bus video technologies, our objective has always been to reduce the number of dangerous and illegal drive-bys of your stopped school buses.
We will convert the violation video, isolate the License Plate best frame, complete the documentation and notify you of data access and next steps. Minimum Effort, Maximum Results.
What we offer and how we offer it (©2021 CMVTC MJG Technologies):
Sample “Assisted Violation Process”
- We access you bus violation data via IVMS Remote Access (4G/LTE), or WIFI Download Server, SD/HDD/SSD data download or SD/HDD/SSD hard drive ship/swap processes. We will even manage your violations on competitors systems.
- We convert the video of the violation to standard HD .AVI
- We isolate the best frame License Plate image and create a HD .JPG
- We complete our violations Data template which include the Licence Plate image, GPS map violation location image, all pertinent data including file name and data location.
- We complete your Law Enforcements Bus Drivers Report with relevant information from the captured video.
- We upload all images, video, data reports and Driver Report to our Secured Server.
- We forward data location, login and password to you.
- You provide this information to your Bus Driver. Often best to review this in concert with your driver.
- The Bus Driver reviews the video, reviews the License Plate Image and Reviews the Drivers Report. The Bus Driver can make any changes they require to make the report accurate.
- The report is printed, dated and signed.
- Once the Bus Driver confirms the document is correct, the file area is locked from further edits.
- The Video and License Plate image can also be downloaded for submission as required.
- The completed Drivers Violation report is submitted to your local Police Representative for enforcement.
- If a Court Package is required, all the data, documents, images, video (original and converted) can be access for download and presented to the courts.
- CMVTC MJGT enlists your local media on a monthly basis for a Violations Notifications Press Release.
- This is violation submission data designed to increase Awareness Through Enforcement.
This has been proven to work extremely well as noted in our 2015 CrossSafe Pilot (©2015 MJG Technologies) on 10 buses across 3 provinces. Report available upon request.
We will also donate 10% of the violation proceeds to media advertizing in your area to add to the Awareness Through Enforcement program.