
Based on technology we developed over 10 years ago, we offer CrossSafe-PA.

This is a ProActive Student and Driver Audible and Visual notification system.

If a vehicle is going to fail to stop at the extended Stop Sign, our system can sound horns, voice, tones, flash lights, strobes or any other immediate notification system.

This tells students that it is NOT safe to cross.

Plus… Our CrossSafe cameras will capture all the events, including the License Plate!

When Stop Means Stop, Add up to 2 metres (6.5′) to your School Buses Stop Arm! 

An immediate and proactive solution to stopping Illegal and Dangerous Drive-Bys of a Stopped School Bus Loading or Unloading students.

Combine with our CrossSafe Camera(s) for a Complete School Bus Student Safety Program.

Stop 95% of Drive-Bys Now.

Download our Specifications & FAQ PDF here.